Topics Trading

What Type of Trading Personality Do You Have?

Nov 8, 2023

When it comes to investing, there is no type of "one size fits all" advice. Different people approach investing with different priorities and needs. To find strategies that work for you, you need to understand your personality and consider how it affects your trading. Our guide will help you discover your trading personality so you can choose the best strategies for your unique approach to investing.

Key Takeaways:

  • Certain personalities are better suited to corresponding trading styles. More patient, analytical types often prefer position trading or investing, while creative, quick-thinking traders often prefer swing trading and day trading.

  • Characteristics like confidence, adaptability and a willingness to learn help people trade more effectively.

  • It's important to know your own strengths and weaknesses so you can make wise trading decisions no matter what your personality is like.

What Is a Trading Personality?

A trading personality refers to all the traits and characteristics that affect your ability to handle financial trades. It describes your approach to investing and helps you find strategies that suit you.

Many different factors go into determining trading personalities. For example, things like your ability to focus on little details or see the big picture can influence your decision to either day trade for immediate profit or focus on long-term trading. By carefully analyzing the thoughts, emotions and behavioral patterns that impact your trading, you can discern the types of trading that complement your personality.

Different Types of Traders

The world of finance is broad, and there are a lot of different techniques available to traders. Depending upon your personality type, you may naturally gravitate toward a specific type of trading.

Position Traders

Also called long-term trading, position trading involves holding the same investments for extended periods. Position traders like to capitalize on long-term market trends by doing things like purchasing promising crypto and waiting for it to increase in value. This type of trading tends to attract people who are patient, strategic and analytical. If you don't like risks and prefer low-maintenance trades, it might be for you. However, position trading doesn't usually suit traders who prioritize adventure and spontaneity.

Swing Traders

Swing traders prefer to close their trades within a few days or weeks of initiating them. They like working on a short-term time frame, and following small changes within price trends. Swing trading is an ideal strategy for investors who are detail-oriented, organized and creative. Those who are cautious and dislike risk, however, may choose to avoid swing trading.

Day Traders

If you're a day trader, you buy and sell rapidly to capitalize on brief price fluctuations. Successful day traders are usually quick thinkers who remain calm under pressure and easily identify patterns. This style of trading can also attract fun-loving and risk-seeking traders, but those tempted to use day trading as a form of gambling often end up losing large amounts of money.


Investors approach crypto and stocks quite differently from the way standard traders do. Instead of capitalizing on market trends, they aim for slow yet steady growth of their funds, paying close attention to the company behind the asset instead of just following price changes. Investors tend to be risk-averse and enjoy taking on managerial responsibilities, but more creative traders may become bored by investing.

Top 10 Characteristics of a Successful Trader

Ultimately, there are many different ways to be a successful trader. Though a broad range of personalities can do well with trading, you'll find that most effective traders have one or more of the following characteristics.

  • Discipline: Discipline refers to your ability to create and follow through on a strategy. While investing in crypto or stocks, discipline helps keep people from making ill-informed decisions based on market trends and personal emotions
  • Patience: With patience, traders can wait for the right moment to buy or sell an asset. This helps prevent anxiety and restlessness that may push them into poorly-timed decisions.
  • Persistence: Persistent traders don't give up on trading after a few losses. They recognize that success and defeat are a normal part of trading, and they keep going until they can make up for their losses and turn a profit.
  • Confidence: Confident traders trust their research and their skills, so they’re less likely to get bogged down with anxiety and indecision. 
  • Adaptability: An adaptable trader can easily adjust their strategy to address unexpected market fluctuations.
  • Passion for Learning: The best traders have a willingness to learn. They're constantly researching new assets, and they take the time to fully understand strategies before implementing them.
  • Creativity: Mimicking the actions of other traders can provide small levels of success. However, truly outstanding traders usually have unique trading patterns. 
  • Self-Awareness: Self-aware traders pay close attention to how their actions influence outcomes, and they devise techniques that suit their personal trading approach.
  • Organization: When you're juggling multiple assets, an organized mind is key. Successful traders pay close attention to time management, double-check everything and carefully document their finances. 
  • Analytical Ability: Analytical thinkers obtain input from a variety of sources, and then synthesize this data into broad concepts that inform their trading. They can recognize patterns and use tools to make smart choices.

How Do Personality Traits Affect Your Trading Success?

The Myers-Briggs Type IndicatorÂź (MBTIÂź) is a useful framework for analyzing your personality traits and trading styles. This psychology-based system theorizes that all humans fall into 16 different categories based on certain traits.

Introversion (I) vs. Extraversion (E)

This MBTI classification refers to one's area of focus. Extroverts are outwardly focused and thrive when surrounded by others, while introverts are inwardly focused and think best when alone.

Successful traders are often introverted, since this trait is effective in careers where they work by themselves, for instance focusing on computers or numbers instead of people. However, there's nothing to stop extroverts from becoming traders, too. In fact, their interest in socializing can work well for web3 projects that require networking with others.

Sensing (S) vs. Intuition (N)

This classification describes how people prefer to process information. Those who rely on sensing prefer concrete facts, practical descriptions and realistic concepts. Intuitive people enjoy theoretical ideas, hypothetical scenarios and metaphorical descriptions.

At a glance, you might assume that people with a sensing personality do better with trading. It's certainly true that they’re more likely to research things carefully and make data-based decisions related to hard facts. However, intuition can also be surprisingly useful for traders who like to look at the big picture and use economic or mathematical theory to inform their trading decisions. They often do an excellent job of synthesizing data from multiple sources so that they can trade creatively.

Feeling (F) vs. Thinking (T)

This classification refers to a person's decision-making abilities. An individual with a feeling personality tends to base their fundamental analysis on feelings, personal preferences and a desire for harmony with others. Meanwhile, those with a thinking personality often base decisions on logical reasoning and ethical values.

For the most part, people with a thinking personality tend to be more effective traders. They’re often more levelheaded, and less likely to be swayed by anxiety or enthusiasm. Of course, people who fall into the feeling category can still trade, but they need to be aware of their tendency to be influenced by emotion and take steps to avoid letting it push them into poor trading decisions.

Perceiving (P) vs. Judging (J)

This MBTI classification addresses how people prefer to live. Those with a judging personality like things to be black and white and prefer technical analysis. They respect rules and do well with detailed instructions. Meanwhile, people with a perceiving personality like to live spontaneously, and see rules and instructions as optional.

Judging personalities often do well with trading. Especially when following tried-and-tested trading strategies, they’re unlikely to make careless mistakes that cause major losses. However, their lack of flexibility can lead to problems when the market moves in surprising directions. Perceiving people may be prone to making ill-informed trades, but their ability to think on their feet can help them better adjust to unexpected price changes.

Understanding Your Trading Personality for Bybit’s Product Suites

ISTJ (Conservatist)

Personality traits:

  • Pragmatic 

  • Detail-oriented

  • Fact-driven

As an ISTJ crypto trader, you tend to adopt a methodical approach to trading. You’re not afraid of digging into the nooks and crannies of a project. With a meticulous eye for detail and a preference for structured strategies, you prioritize in-depth research over market sentiments. Your patient, disciplined and risk-averse nature allows you to adhere to a well-defined plan, focusing on long-term value and stable investments. Best paired with: ISFJ and ESTJ

The most recommended products on Bybit: Bybit VIP and Bybit Earn

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ISFJ (Guardian)

Personality traits: 

  • Risk-averse

  • HODLer

  • Protector

Being the heart and soul of a community, you embody the spirit of an ISFJ guardian, a knight in shining armor. Like a crypto superhero, you swoop in to safeguard projects promising a better future for crypto. Your cape billows with the rushing wind as you remain a steadfast ally to the causes you champion. You are the GameStop warrior, a true Keith Gill* at heart, holding the line until the end and showing the world that your faith and determination are unshakeable.

*The man behind the GameStop short squeeze of January 2021.

Best Paired With: ISTJ and INFJ

The most recommended products on Bybit: Bybit Demo Trading and Bybit Spot

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INFJ (Proponent)

Personality traits:

  • Visionary

  • Idealist

  • Dreamer

Unlike those who are in it for the money, you’re a crypto dreamer who dives into the space for the intrinsic value. Schemes to get rich quick may be tempting, but they’re never the key drivers of your actions. You're the perfect blend of intuitive thinking and long-term vision. Your knack for envisioning the future shines as you see not just what it is, but what it can become. Trust that gut feeling of yours. It's probably the inner crypto compass that will guide you through the noise and chaos.

Best paired with: ISFJ and ENFP

The most recommended products on Bybit: Bybit Spot and Bybit Earn

INTJ (Strategist)

Personality traits:

  • Analytical

  • Smart Money

  • Creative

A natural-born strategist, you navigate the cryptoverse with precision and foresight. With your radar for technical innovation and your nose for the next big thing, you're always one step ahead of the game. Herd mentality? Never in your vocabulary. When the going gets tough, you take a step back, look at the larger picture and make your moves like a chess grandmaster. Best paired with: ENTJ and INFP

The most recommended products on Bybit: Bybit Spot Grid and USDC Options

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ISTP (Trailblazer) 

Personality Traits: 

  • Geeky

  • Curious

  • Resourceful 

You're no stranger to crypto trading: API, bots and AI-powered strategies are all part of your tool kit. As an early adopter, you're all about disrupting the status quo. You're constantly tinkering and experimenting with all the new and exciting things the crypto space offers. Nothing can quell your adventurous spirit, because you have that fire in your belly. Competitive by nature, you're never deterred by setbacks, knowing that a treasure trove of opportunities awaits on the next turn. Best paired with: INFP and ESFP

The most recommended products on Bybit: Bybit Copy Trading and Futures Grid Bot

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ISFP (Explorer) 

Personality Traits:

  • Open-minded

  • Observant

  • Problem Solver

As an ISFP crypto trader, you’re part of a unique breed. You're not the typical cookie-cutter profit-seeker. Intimately connected with your inner emotions, you seek projects that resonate with your personal values. You're a highly creative and independent thinker, constantly looking for innovative ways to build your portfolios: a canvas for your creative expression, carefully curated with a touch of artistic flair. If you're ever feeling in a rut, just think outside the box and let your creativity take the reins.

Best paired with: ESFP and ENFP

The most recommended products on Bybit: Bybit Earn and Bybit Spot

INFP (Negotiator) 

Personality Traits: 

  • Value-centric

  • Visionary

  • BTC Maximalist

You're the undercover powerhouse in the crypto trading world, with your brilliant interiority hiding beneath a quiet and unassuming demeanor. Your investment decisions are guided by a blend of creativity and idealism, resilient even in the darkest hours. While the world may not be perfect, the projects that captivate you will likely stand the test of time. Your foresight gives you an edge over your competitors, and your superpower balances pursuing passion with financial gains. Remember, in the world of crypto, your authentic perspective is your biggest asset!

Best paired with: ISFP and INTJ

The most recommended products on Bybit: Bybit DCA Bot and Demo Trading

INTP (Philosopher) 

Personality Traits: 

  • Curious

  • Risk-taker

  • Researcher

Known for their unique perspective and vigorous intellect, INTP traders like yourself choose to take the road less traveled — and that makes all the difference. Curious about the intricate workings of the crypto market, you’re always researching new projects and seeking opportunities to get in early. Your relentless pursuit of knowledge prompts you to ask critical questions, and your enthusiasm for sharing insights adds value to the crypto community.

Best paired with: ENTP and ESTP

The most recommended products on Bybit: Bybit TradeGPT and P2P Trading

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ESTP (Entrepreneur) 

Personality Traits: 

  • Aggressive

  • Risk-taker

  • Fearless

You're in the game for the adrenaline rush as much as for the profits — an ESTP through and through. You thrive on the double-digit intraday volatility in the fast-paced world of crypto trading. Safety isn't your style, and predictable projects just don't cut it for you. Day trading is your game, and oh boy, do you love a good challenge. 

Quick to learn, quicker to adapt and the fastest to spot and pounce on those short-term market swings. Pressure? What pressure? You stay cool as a cucumber, making blitz decisions one after another. Just remember to brace yourself for downsides with the right crypto tools at hand.

Best paired with: INTP and ESFP

The most recommended products on Bybit: Bybit Futures Martingale and Bybit Spot

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ESFP (Jetsetter) 

Personality Traits: 

  • Social trader

  • YOLO

  • Fun-seeker

You're the life of the crypto party, an ESFP dynamo. People and connections fuel your drive, and your network of seasoned traders is your secret weapon to navigate the dynamic crypto market. You're all about the razzle-dazzle, drawn to projects that catch your eye, even if they may be a little hocus-pocus. Luckily, your trusted circle of friends always has your back. Crypto meetups, conferences and lively social media interactions are your jam, keeping you at the heart of the vibrant crypto community.

Best paired with: ISFP and ESTP

The most recommended products on Bybit: Bybit Spot and Copy Trading

ENFP (Crusader)

Personality Traits:

  • Innovative

  • Artistic

  • Mood-lifter

You're the crypto crusader, championing crypto causes while sprinkling dust of enchantment into the conundrum of everyday life with your charisma and just the right dose of imagination. Sharing your grand visions of the crypto future is your passion, and boy, are you good at convincing others! A true beacon of light, you lift others up even in the bleakest moments, spreading positivity like confetti. Your quirky, introspective ways shake things up while conjuring real financial magic along the way.

Best paired with: INFJ and ISFP

The most recommended products on Bybit: Bybit Spot and DCA Bot

ENTP (Revolutionist) 

Personality Traits:

  • Risk-taker

  • Fast thinker

  • Visionary

You're the quick-witted crypto rebel, fearlessly challenging the norm because, hey, what's crypto without a little disruption? Authority figures? You'd rather put your faith in decentralized technology! 

Those who've crossed paths with you know you as a curious, knowledgeable person, always up for playful banter. You dream big and envision groundbreaking changes for the cryptoverse, but remember, not everyone's a fan of having their beliefs questioned, so maybe add a pinch of empathy to your audacious charm!

Best paired with: INTP and ENFJ

The most recommended products on Bybit: Bybit Futures and Copy Trading

ESTJ (Administrator)

Personality Traits:

  • Decision-maker

  • Strategic planner

  • Pragmatist 

You're a pillar of tradition and structure — an ESTJ administrator rallying the crypto community with your strong moral compass. You're the go-to crypto organizer, leading by example while setting the standards high. Bringing order to the crypto Wild West is your badge of honor, but as a trader, you tend to lean toward the safe side, showing just a hint of unease in the face of sudden trend shifts.

Best paired with: ISTJ and ENTJ

The most recommended products on Bybit: Bybit Demo Trading and Copy Trading

ESFJ (Ambassador) 

Personality Traits: 

  • Outgoing

  • Organized

  • Sociable

You're an ESFJ ambassador championing good causes in the crypto space and seeking projects that make a real social impact. You love nothing more than warm and engaging conversations with friends about trading strategies. You firmly believe in the strength of the community to bring about meaningful change, and you take it upon yourself to be the glue that holds everyone together. As a trader, your decisions are often guided by sentiments, making you a tad hesitant to pivot when the market demands quick action. But hey, who says a little pertinacity can't work its own magic in crypto trading?

Best paired with: ENFJ and ISFJ

The most recommended products on Bybit: Bybit Referral and P2P Trading

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ENFJ (Pioneer) 

Personality Traits: 

  • Advocate

  • Value-centric

  • Altruistic 

You're the voice of integrity in the crypto world, using your empathy and keen insights to shed light on any misfits or hiccups in a way that truly resonates with others. Your perceptiveness allows you to swiftly discern the hidden market cues, making you a trader who relies heavily on market intelligence and data-driven analysis. Okay, maybe you get a tad too fixated on each trade, but hey, taking a step back to breathe might just bring a fresh perspective.

Best paired with: ESFJ and ENTP

The most recommended products on Bybit: Bybit Copy Trading and VIP Program

ENTJ (Commander) 

Personality Traits: 

  • Strategic 

  • Visionary

  • Leadership

You're the crypto commander, turning challenges into mere stepping stones on your path to greatness. For you, crypto success is practically written in the stars. Your unwavering determination drives the team forward to get things done like clockwork. A ruthless, strategic and fact-driven trader, you sometimes brush off the emotional feedback from the market, which, while a strength, could be a tricky double-edged sword. It's time to dive into the community buzz more often. Trust me, you won't regret it.

Best paired with: INTJ and ESTJ

The most recommended products on Bybit: Bybit Futures Grid and USDC Options

Take the test here

Note: These personalities are not associated with the Myers-Briggs personality test, and this test is merely a concept borrowed from MBTI and adapted to the crypto context.


Best Paired With

Recommended Product

ISTJ (Conservatist)


ISFJ (Guardian)


INFJ (Proponent)


INTJ (Strategist)


ISTP (Trailblazer) 


ISFP (Explorer) 


INFP (Negotiator)


INTP (Philosopher) 


ESTP (Entrepreneur) 


ESFP (Jetsetter) 


ENFP (Crusader)


ENTP (Revolutionist) 


ESTJ (Administrator)


ESFJ (Ambassador) 


ENFJ (Pioneer) 


ENTJ (Commander) 


Why Do Traders Lose Discipline?

To an extent, discipline is an innate trait. Typically, those who are focused, analytical and logical tend to make disciplined trades. Meanwhile, those who are easily distracted, overly emotional and unmotivated often struggle to maintain discipline. However, discipline is also a matter of education and circumstances.

All types of trading personalities can lose discipline when they’re stressed, busy and ill-informed. A previously disciplined trader can find this important quality dissipating if they’re particularly worried about finding the money to pay for a medical procedure or feeling desperate to make enough money and quit their other job. Discipline can also be eroded by peer pressure, and traders who are exposed to a lot of undisciplined trading behavior can fall prey to trends and start to fear that they're “missing out.”

Maintaining discipline requires traders to make an active effort. By recognizing their triggers and finding coping methods, they can remain disciplined even during highly emotional times. More education on market trends and financial concepts can be one of the best motivators for retaining discipline.

How to Start Investing With Bybit

No matter your personality or trading type, Bybit makes trading easy. Detailed-oriented traders can use Bybit trading tools to track and analyze even the smallest minute movements, while traders who like focusing on broad patterns can use theBybit Derivatives market to capitalize on market movements. Bybit offers a broad range of crypto guides to help you become the best trader you can be.

Getting access to all of the helpful features Bybit offers is easy. Just sign up for an account, confirm your financial details and start exploring the many investment products available at Bybit.

Sign Up a Bybit Account

Learn about the current activities to unlock exciting prize pools for Bybit's 5th Anniversary. 

The Bottom Line

Ultimately, your personality plays a big role in your ability to trade crypto. Qualities such as patience, discipline and creativity can help you make a profit. However, it's important to remember that trading success doesn’t rely solely on your personal characteristics. 

Anyone can become a good trader as long as they’re aware of their strengths and weaknesses and use that knowledge to plan a successful trading strategy.

#Bybit #TheCryptoArk #WeAreBybit

Disclaimer: The above personality analysis is for Bybit’s 5th Anniversary campaign, and its conception is based on our users’ trading behavior. In no way is this an empirically validated test. It’s purely for entertainment purposes only. The results are merely a suggestion to help traders improve their product knowledge and become informed about the latest products offered at Bybit. Should traders be interested in trading or making any investment decisions, we recommend seeking professional financial advice upon making any commitment.Â