Topics Blockchain

Lumoz (MOZ): A ZK-RaaS Network Providing ZK-Proof Services

Jul 3, 2024

The Lumoz Network leads decentralized computing with the first ZK-rollup-as-a-service (ZK-RaaS) platform. Seeking to democratize zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) technologies, Lumoz facilitates seamless deployment and operation of ZK-rollups across multiple chains. Lumoz’s modular computing layer and unique consensus mechanisms simplify complex technical processes and enhance network security and scalability. This article explores Lumoz’s evolution, from its inception to its pivotal role in advancing ZK-rollup technology, offering insights into its impact on decentralized computing landscapes.

Key Takeaways:

  • Lumoz Network simplifies the deployment and operation of ZK-rollups through its ZK-rollup-as-a-service (ZK-RaaS) platform, making advanced zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) technologies accessible to developers without deep technical expertise.

  • Lumoz’s modular computing layer and hybrid consensus mechanism (combining PoW and PoS) ensure a secure, decentralized and scalable environment for zero-knowledge computations, addressing high computational demands and reducing centralization issues.

  • With a robust road map, including the launch of new AI + PoW and Layer 2 chains, Lumoz is poised for significant expansion. 


What Is Lumoz?

Lumoz Network is a globally distributed modular computing network specializing in advanced ZKP services. It supports rollup networks and provides computational power for AI technologies.

History of Lumoz

Founded in 2022 by Liu Sheng, Lumoz Network (formerly Opside) is the product of profound research and innovation in the field of zero-knowledge (ZK) computation to make it more efficient and accessible. The inspiration behind Lumoz is the desire to harness the native bridge for multi-rollup interoperability, thus simplifying cross-rollup communication without third-party bridges. The result was the creation of the NCRC (Native Cross Rollup Communication) protocol, reflecting Lumoz’s commitment to open and fair decentralized computing platforms.

What Does Lumoz Aim to Achieve?

Lumoz Network aims to make advanced zero-knowledge computing technologies accessible to everyone by addressing high costs and technical barriers. 

  • Hardware resource management: ZK-rollups require a variety of hardware resources, such as data availability, computational power for ZKPs and packaging nodes. Lumoz’s innovative approach decentralizes these resources via its modular computing layer. This system distributes data availability, sequencing and ZKP computing power, eliminating the need for individual operators to manage complex hardware setups.

  • Simplifying technical proficiency requirements:Operating a ZK-rollup — particularly a ZK-rollup-as-a-service (ZK-RaaS) platform — typically requires significant technical knowledge and considerable hardware maintenance costs. Lumoz’s ZK-RaaS solution allows developers to lease a rollup slot, giving them ownership of a ZK-rollup without needing extensive technical expertise or bearing high maintenance costs. The Rollup System Contract (RSC) on each base chain manages the life cycle of rollups, simplifying their operation.

  • Making ZK-rollups developer-friendly: The complexity of ZK and chain nodes makes deploying ZK-rollup (zkEVM) chains challenging for developers. Lumoz addresses this challenge by providing a general ZK-rollup LaunchBase, which allows developers to easily deploy various types of ZK-rollups on different base chains. This significantly reduces the complexity and technical barriers associated with deploying and operating zkEVM chains.

How Does Lumoz Work?

Lumoz operates as a decentralized ZK-RaaS (zero-knowledge-rollup-as-a-service) platform. Its hybrid consensus mechanism combines proof of work (PoW) and proof of stake (PoS) consensus and supports the ZKP mining process by providing a secure and decentralized environment. The PoW aspect involves miners using their computational resources to generate ZKPs, while the PoS part ensures network security and consensus.

The platform's innovative approach simplifies the use of ZK-rollup technology, making it accessible to a broader range of developers, who can launch their zkEVM chains quickly and efficiently without extensive knowledge of ZKPs or chain nodes. This ease of deployment is key to promoting the widespread adoption of ZK-rollup technology.

Lumoz’s ZK-PoW cloud mechanism incentivizes miners to provide computational power for ZKPs, addressing the high computational demands and centralization issues often associated with ZK-rollup technology. Leveraging a comprehensive hardware infrastructure, Lumoz ensures the necessary computational resources are available while democratizing access for miners. This approach not only uses existing mining rigs that might otherwise be idle due to Ethereum's shift to PoS, but also lowers the barriers for new miners to participate.

Lumoz also offers a one-click ZK-rollup generation feature through its universal ZK-rollup launchpad. This tool allows developers to deploy ZK-rollups across multiple chains with a single click, streamlining the process and significantly reducing the complexity involved. It’s particularly beneficial for developers looking to implement ZK-rollup technology without extensive technical expertise.

Lumoz has also introduced an optimized ZKP algorithm with a two-step submission mechanism for ZKP verification. This optimization makes mining more accessible and improves network scalability. With improvements to proof efficiency and ensuring a secure and decentralized ZK-rollup experience, Lumoz makes it easier for developers and miners to contribute to and benefit from the platform.

Features of Lumoz

Modular Computing Layer

The Lumoz computational layer tackles the impossible triangle problem of traditional blockchain by breaking down the system into different modules. This layered structure allows for more efficient transaction processing and data management, balancing decentralization, security and scalability.

zkVerifier Node

The zkVerifier Node is a critical component of Lumoz’s architecture, responsible for verifying the ZKPs generated by the zkProver Node. It verifies proofs submitted to the chain, maintaining the trust and security of the system.

zkProver Node

Acting as the computational engine, the zkProver Node executes tasks within the Lumoz Network and generates corresponding ZKPs or zero-knowledge friendly proofs (ZKFPs). These proofs verify the correct execution of tasks while ensuring privacy and security during the process.


Lumoz employs ZK-rollups to provide a secure, decentralized and cost-effective mining environment. With Lumoz-native tokens, developers can lease a rollup slot in one of the base chains, thus owning a ZK-rollup without possessing technical knowledge or bearing the cost of maintaining expensive systems. The RSC on each base chain manages the life cycle of rollups, simplifying their operation.

Lumoz Points

Lumoz Points represent user loyalty within the Lumoz ecosystem, recognizing user engagement and promising future value. With the launch of the Lumoz mainnet, loyal users will receive MOZ token airdrop rewards based on established ratios, empowering them with more participation rights and the potential for appreciation in value.

MOZ Airdrop

The Lumoz Network is set to reward its dedicated community with an airdrop of MOZ tokens, the network’s native asset, as a token of appreciation for their loyalty. This airdrop is linked to the official launch of the Lumoz mainnet, and is based on the Lumoz Points users have accumulated, reflecting their engagement within the ecosystem. Lumoz Network users can check their Lumoz Points balance and eligibility for the airdrop here.

Lumoz Road Map

Lumoz has made notable progress in the development and deployment of its blockchain solutions, particularly in the area of ZK-rollups. Following is a timeline of their key milestones.

  • May 2023: Pre-alpha Testnet: The Pre-alpha Testnet went live, marking the beginning of real-world application and testing of Lumoz’s capabilities on a small scale. This phase was crucial for ironing out initial bugs and gathering early feedback from users.

  • September 2023: Alpha Testnet: Following the success of the Pre-alpha Testnet, Lumoz launched its Alpha Testnet, expanding the testing to a broader audience and allowing Lumoz to refine its technology and prepare for a more robust Beta mainnet.

  • April 2023: Seed Funding Round: Raised $4 million for expansion.

  • March 2024: Pre–Series A Funding Round: Raised $6 million

  • May 2024: Strategic Funding Round: Fresh funds secured for expansion, modular computing power layer development, and the construction and technological innovation of the ZK-RaaS platform. 

Moving forward, Lumoz’s future plans include: 

  • Token Generation Event: Token launch planned for August 2024.

  • New Chain Releases: Introducing a new AI + PoW Chain, multiple ETH Layer 2 chains, Layer 3 chains, and BTC Layer 2 chains to expand Lumoz's service offerings.

  • Support for More Chains: Planning to support additional L1 blockchains and extend ZK-rollup services to platforms like Scroll and StarkNet.


MOZ Tokenomics

The MOZ token is the native token of the Lumoz Network, essential for various network functions. All transactions within the Lumoz Network require MOZ tokens for transaction fees (gas). Using ZKP computation and artificial intelligence (AI) services provided by the network also requires MOZ tokens for resource usage fees. MOZ tokens can be exchanged for esMOZ tokens at a 1:1 ratio to broaden application scenarios. 

The esMOZ token, a symbol of incentives and participation, rewards nodes that provide computational power, security and stability to the network, including zkProver and zkVerifier Nodes. It’s also used in the network's delegation mechanism, promoting decentralized governance. Additionally, esMOZ tokens can be redeemed for MOZ tokens, with redemption rates varying based on the length of the redemption period.

Will MOZ Be a Good Investment?

Considering Lumoz’s innovative approach to making ZK-rollup technology accessible, reducing technical and hardware barriers and enhancing interoperability, MOZ has significant potential as an investment in the growing ZK-RaaS sector. However, prospective investors must do their own research and apply caution, due to the volatile nature of cryptocurrencies.

Closing Thoughts

Lumoz Network is revolutionizing zero-knowledge computing by providing an accessible, cost-effective and user-friendly ZK-rollup-as-a-service platform. With its innovative modular computing layer, zkVerifier and zkProver Nodes and MOZ tokenomics, Lumoz simplifies ZK-rollup deployment and operation for developers and miners. The network's commitment to reducing technical barriers and enhancing interoperability positions it as a leader in the ZK-RaaS sector, promising significant advancements in decentralized computing.
